Download the free Domina General Insurance Brokers Brokerapp for useful information and tools when you need to contact us, lodge a claim, or require fast access to your insurance portfolio details.
We will be right there for you on your phone, 24/7.

Claims & Photos / New Claim Notification
In the unfortunate event that you are involved in a motor accident or suffer a property damage claim, the Domina General Insurance Brokers app will allow you to immediately fill in the information and add photos at the scene of the incident. This will then be sent directly to Domina General Insurance Brokers in-house claims team via the app, to quickly start the claims process.
You will be able to provide the following information:
General Claim
- Name, email, mobile, what’s happened
- Add up to 4 photos
- Send
Motor Vehicle Incident
- Insured Details: First name, surname, date of birth, phone, email, address, postcode
- Your Vehicle Details: Make, model & year, registration number, colour, policy number
- Third party: Driver of vehicle, address, phone number, vehicle, registration number, insurer & policy number, licence number
- Accident Details: Date, time, location, police officer and station, incident description
- Photos: Add up to 8 photos
- Finish & Send
PLEASE NOTE: Never admit liability without speaking with Domina General Insurance Brokers.
How can you download?
Available to download for free in iTunes.
Alternatively, search for ‘BCIB Brokerapps’ in your smart phone’s App Store.